

Medevents.gr specializes in organizing scientific congresses and events, tailored to the customer’s demands. Since 2003, when Medevents.gr was founded as an independent department of INVENTICS S.A., it has planned and organized more than 300 congresses and events in Greece. 

The experienced and skilled staff together with the extended network of specialized partners, guarantee the successful organization of congresses, seminars, corporate presentations, social events and galas, by implementing innovative methods that can be summarized to the following key areas: 

  • Innovative marketing strategies resulting in increasing participants' registrations and sponsorship revenues.
  • Automation, updating and process of EOF (National Organization for Medicine) procedures.
  • Multichannel communication system (email and sms campaign) for the effective advertisement and promotion of the conference and its main events.
  • Barcode system to record the number of the participants and to monitor their time of attendance in order for them to obtain the credits on the conference certificate.
  • Live webcast of the conference and parallel events on the official conference website and direct online hosting.
  • Storage of the audiovisual material in a specially designed platform (web TV channel), with link to the official website of the event.
  • Nationwide promotion in Media, while monitoring and reporting the results. 
  • Wireless communication network between the secretariat and the rest of the associates throughout the conference venue.